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You probably think all Recruiting Agencies are the same.  You are mostly right.  The vast majority of agencies are designed to service their local market in one group of skills such as IT, Accounting, or Engineering.  These focuses on location and skill are the cause for the two most common complaints I hear about working with Recruiting Firms;

When the agency finds a good candidate they send it to me and all of their other clients.  I often find out we lost a great candidate because the firm I am working with got the candidate a job somewhere else.

It is exhausting working with so many different firms.  I have firms for Accounting, Engineering, IT, HR, Sales, etc.  I want a go-to partner who can deliver candidates for any skill set and in any location.

When we created Trylak Technologies in 2011 I wanted to eliminate these concerns.  Regardless of skill set, level, or location we never turn down an opportunity to help our clients.  Because of this we have filled a wide range of positions from Accountant to Aerospace Engineer and Warehouse Worker to Vice President.  We fill technical roles like Engineers, and Chemists, as easily as we fill functional roles like Sales, HR and Marketing.    We develop a deep relationship with our clients with a goal of being a one stop shop for all your recruiting needs. 

In addition, we always give you our Candidate Guarantee.  We guarantee not to send a candidate we send to you to any of our other clients.  Ask us for details.

The global shift from working in offices to working remotely has opened new opportunities when you look to hire.  Instead of finding the best talent locally you are now able to look nationally to find your next star employee.  You need a firm with experience conducting national searches.  Around 70% of our engagements have required national searches and we have an expertise in searching the US that your local firm cannot match.   If you are looking for a Recruiting Partner that can help you fill all of your needs and doesn’t make you compete with their other customers, we can help.